Bi Bi Ameena

Bi Bi Ameena currently serves as Assistant Professor in Urdu at the International Islamic University, Islamabad. Her area of specialisation is Urdu Linguistics and Lexicography. She is sub-editor of research journal ‘Me’yar’ and associate editor of the ‘Index of Urdu Journals.’ She is on the review board of various national research journals. Ameena is the author of three books: ‘Khalida

Arif Hasan

Arif Hasan is an architect, planner, activist, teacher, researcher, and the author of a large number of books, research papers, and monographs on anthropology, urban and rural development issues. He has been the Principal Consultant to the Orangi Pilot Project-Research and Training Institute from 1981 to 2017. He is also the founding Chairperson of the Urban Resource Centre, Karachi and a

Nasir Abbas Nayyar

Nasir Abbas Nayyar is a prominent Urdu scholar. He has made significant contributions to literature, notably with influential works like Mabad Nauabadiyat and Urdu Adab ki Tashkeel e Jadid. Winning prestigious awards, including the Baba-e-Urdu Maulvi Abdul Haq Award, his impact on Urdu literature is substantial. Nayyar’s exploration of genres, as seen in ‘Nazm Kaisay Parhain,’ and his recent work,

Kaiser Bengali

Dr Kaiser Bengali is an economist with over 40 years’ experience in teaching, research, and policy advice. He was Managing Director of the Social Policy & Development Centre, Karachi. Dr Bengali was consultant for Economic Affairs and head of the Chief Minister’s Policy Reform Unit, Government of Balochistan. Earlier, he was advisor to the Chief Minister of Sindh for Planning &

Bina Shah

Bina Shah is a Karachi-based author and novelist. She earned critical acclaim for her novels about Pakistan: ‘Where They Dream in Blue’ (2001), ‘The 786 Cybercafe’ (2004), ‘Slum Child’ (2009) and ‘A Season for Martyrs’ (2014). Bina has been a regular contributor to The New York Times and a frequent guest on the BBC. She has written essays and op-eds

Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry

Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry has served as a member of the Foreign Service of Pakistan for 37 years, rising to the rank of the Foreign Secretary of Pakistan for over three years from December 2013 to March 2017. Mr Chaudhry’s last diplomatic assignment was as Ambassador of Pakistan to the United States of America. He also served as Ambassador of

Najeeba Arif

Prof. Dr Najeeba Arif is an eminent scholar, creative writer, critic and researcher. Her major field of specialization is Archival Research. She has discovered, edited and published about a dozen manuscripts of eighteenth and nineteenth century. She also founded the first Indexation Agency for the Urdu Research Journals at International Islamic University, Islamabad and has been the editor of renowned

Inaam Nadeem

Inaam Nadeem is a poet, writer, translator, and educator. He has authored ten books, including captivating ghazals. In 2003, he received the Aks-e-Khushbu Poetry Prize for ‘Dar-e-Khawab.’ He has translated works like The Prisoner and Dozakhnama into Urdu. In literary curation, Nadeem has compiled anthologies on figures such as Asif Farrukhi and Akbar Masoom. His dedication to diverse voices is

Ali Rohila

Mohammad Ali Khan, under the pseudonym Ali Rohila, is not only an accomplished writer but also brings a wealth of diverse experiences to his literary pursuits. Born to the renowned poet Mukhtar Ali Khan, widely recognized for his Hindi dohas and translating Ghalib’s Persian letters into Urdu, Ali Rohila has inherited a passion for language and literature. His academic journey

Ansar Burney

Ansar Burney is a Pakistani lawyer and activist widely known for introducing the concept of human rights in Pakistan. In 1980, he established the Prisoners Aid Society, which was later changed to Ansar Burney Trust, and since then, he has helped release over 900,000 people from illegal confinement. He has advocated for victims of human trafficking, bonded labour, and other